Omran Abdelrahman

Abdelrahman Omran

Tech Startups | Digital Transformation | Organizational Efficiency | ex-Google

Name:Omran Abdelrahman
Date of birth:Jun. 18, 1987
Address:Dubai, UAE
Phone:+971 (58) 586 0181
+1 (812) 610 9601
Last Update:Feb. 23, 2023

Work Experience

July 2018 - Present

1. Google

Program Manager, Developer Ecosystem
My current role’s mission is to use technology to make people’s life better, through awareness, education, and empowerment.

With nearly +70 GDG communities, +600 leads, +20 experts, and a total of 100k passionate members, I’m driving the Google Developer Groups (GDG), Google Developer Experts (GDE) programs and other initiatives in 17 MENA countries. I love working with and enabling the Developer Ecosystem in the MENA region to grow, scale, and self-sustain using Google and open-source technologies, reaching more than +250k trained developers every year.

June 2016 - July 2018

2. Rinvex


Building integrated enterprise solutions for SMEs.

July 2016 - August 2017

4. Technology Innovation & Entrepreneurship...


Training college students, and graduates on Ideation Camp, as part of InnovEgypt program, managed and organized by TIEC in partnership with Intel.

December 2013 - May 2016

5. Midade

Full Stack Software Engineer

Working on a highly specific enterprise RIA projects focused on niche markets in OIC countries.

August 2015 - September 2015


Senior Software Engineer

USYTech is a software house specialized in web, iOS, and Android application development with hybrid team of offshore and onshore resources both in Egypt and US that has solid experience in creative design, Ruby on Rails, .NET, Java, iOS, and Android development.

February 2015 - March 2015

7. SavvyEra

Software Architect

Working collaboratively with the development team to put a modern software architecture that last long.

April 2012 - April 2013

8. FruiTech Labs

Founder & Project Lead

A professional web development company stands behind Fruity Tasty Technology Products.

November 2013 - December 2014

9. Ostta

Co-founder & Technical Director

Ostta is a trusted community organization that connects craftsmen with consumers who are searching for someone to takeover a craft task whatsoever.

2006 - 2013

10. Freelancer Software Engineer


While working full time for myself and/or other companies, I used to take advantage of my spare time freelancing. I’ve worked on multiple platforms, mainly for the web. Some of my work was on vBulletin (too much addons freely & commercially), Joomla, Drupal, MyBB, IPB, phpBB, MKPortal, PHP-Nuke, WordPress, bbPress, SMF, XenForo, SPBAS, vCard, 4images, Photopost, Xoops, PHPLive, Kayako, phpMyAdmin, SQL Buddy, Horde, MediaWiki, SugarCRM, phpAdsNew, .. and many others.

February 2006 - February 2013

11. PHP KingDom

Founder & Project Lead

I’ve initiated my own internet company “PHPKD, aka: PHP KingDom” which offers consulting, web design, web development, technical support, specialized products and services for websmasters and forum owners.

2007 - 2010

12. THQH

Co-founder & Technical Director

I’ve co-founded with one of my best friends & business partners in Saudi Arabia an internet company “THQH” (which means “Trust” in Arabic) offering consulting, web design, web development, technical support, specialized products and services for websmasters and forum owners.

March 2009 - September 2009

13. IT Middle

PHP Web Developer

Worked as a PHP developer on small/medium custom web projects.

2005 - 2007

14. Top Line For Services

Technical Support Specialist

Three years professionally supporting hundreds of customers in the middle east, individuals and corporates. Gained a great experience and added a great value to the company.

Training and Speaking Experience

May 2018

1. Google Developer MENA Community Summit ’18


For the first time ever, the MENA region had its own regional pre-google-io community summit led by MENA region DevRel, and I was thrilled to be invited to speak for all participating Google Developer Group organizers, Women Tech Makers Leads and members, Google partners and “communities with Google” at one of Google offices at Sunnyvale, California.

→ All for one, one for all (80+ GDGs, WTMs & GDEs)
Google MP3 building, Sunnyvale, California, USA / May. 06, 2018

→ Make the most out of a conference (80+ GDGs, WTMs & GDEs)
Google MP3 building, Sunnyvale, California, USA / May. 06, 2018

April 2018

2. Google Developers Roadshow MENA ’18...


For the first time since ages, Google have launched event series in multiple Saudi Arabia and Bahrain cities in two consecutive weeks called “Google Developers Roadshow”, and I had the pleasure to be speaking at Riyadh, Taif, Jeddah, Medina, Khobar at Saudi Arabia, and Manama at Bahrain in a row, with over 2k attendees, covering six cities in total, in eight days (

→ State of the Web ’18
Saudi Arabia, Riyadh → April 21st, 2018 (108 attendees)
Saudi Arabia, Taif → April 22nd, 2018 (145 attendees)
Saudi Arabia, Jeddah → April 24th, 2018 (390 attendees)
Saudi Arabia, Medina → April 25th, 2018 (450 attendees)

→ Google Cloud Platform Introduction ’18
Saudi Arabia, Riyadh → April 21st, 2018 (108 attendees)
Saudi Arabia, Khobar → April 28th, 2018 (541 attendees)

→ Building Conversational Experiences for Google Assistant ’18
Saudi Arabia, Riyadh → April 21st, 2018 (108 attendees)
Saudi Arabia, Taif → April 22nd, 2018 (145 attendees)
Saudi Arabia, Jeddah → April 24th, 2018 (390 attendees)
Saudi Arabia, Medina → April 25th, 2018 (450 attendees)
Saudi Arabia, Khobar → April 28th, 2018 (541 attendees)
Bahrain, Manama → April 28th, 2018 (200 attendees)

April 2018

3. Mobile Developer Weekend ’18


→ Google Cloud Platform Introduction (150+ attendees)
→ Building Conversational Experiences for Google Assistant (150+ attendees)

Information Technology Institute (ITI) Smart Village, Cairo, Egypt / April. 19, 2018 (
Information Technology Institute (ITI) is thrilled to invite developers to attend the most exciting mobile event of the year, the Mobile Developer Weekend. MDW2018 comes under the theme of “Secure . Mobile . Finance”. It gathers all mobile app ecosystem key players; developers, Technology Vendors, Mobile Experts, device manufacturers, entrepreneurs, Security Professionals, Testers, Software Designers, and industry professionals. Attendees have gone through tour exploring latest apps, products, technologies, startups, business and opportunities. They also had the opportunity to test apps, enroll in different hands-on interactive workshops and hackathons, and win prizes.

April 2018

4. GDG Dubai Meetup April ’18


→ State of the Web ’18 (20+ attendees)
Google Dubai Office, Dubai, Emirates / Apr. 16, 2018 (
In this small meetup organized by GDG Dubai at Google Dubai office, we talked about the importance of PWA, and the great changes happening to the web platform, and how that opens a lot of opportunities for all kinds and scales of applications. We discussed also the challenges facing web engineers, and how today’s open platform is evolving very fast.

April 2018

5. Google Developers Roadshow MENA – GDR...


I had the pleasure to speak to diversified developers, professionals and government representatives during the activities of Google Developers Roadshow MENA – Abu Dhabi, about the importance of PWA, and the great changes happening to the web platform, and how that opens a lot of opportunities for all kinds and scales of applications. I gave also a workshop on Progressive Web Apps – PWA, plus another talk on Google Assistant and how easy we can not only use, but develop for, using Actions On Google.

→ State of the Web ’18 (160+ attendees)
New York University Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi, Emirates / Apr. 15, 2018

→ PWA: A Reliable, Fast, and Engaging Experience (50+ attendees)
New York University Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi, Emirates / Apr. 15, 2018

→ Building Conversational Experiences for Google Assistant (160+ attendees)
New York University Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi, Emirates / Apr. 15, 2018

March 2018

6. Cloud Study Jam / January – March ’18


→ Women Tech Makers (WTM) Helwan (20+ attendees)
Berisca Office, Cairo, Egypt / Mar. 30, 2018 (

→ Google Developer Groups (GDG) Cairo #2 (50+ attendees)
Mushtarak coworking space, Cairo, Egypt / Mar. 24, 2018 (

→ Google Developer Groups (GDG) Helwan (30+ attendees)
302 Labs coworking space, Cairo, Egypt / Mar. 09, 2018 (

→ Google Developer Groups (GDG) Alexandria (30+ attendees)
Alexandria Software and IT Association (ASITA), Alexandria, Egypt / Mar. 03, 2018 (

→ Google Developer Groups (GDG) October #2 (44+ attendees)
Hashtags coworking space, October City, Egypt / Feb. 23, 2018 (

→ Google Developer Groups (GDG) October #2 (34+ attendees)
Hashtags coworking space, October City, Egypt / Feb. 16, 2018 (

→ Google Developer Groups (GDG) Cairo #1 (20+ attendees)
Mushtarak coworking space, Cairo, Egypt / Feb. 03, 2018 (

Anyone can listen to sessions at many events, or watch such sessions even recorded on Youtube, but what’s better is to have an expert in certain topic guide and mentor students in hands-on code labs and step-by-step work-through study jam. In these Cloud Study Jams we’re thrilled to train bunch of enthusiastic developers on Google Cloud Platform and give them access to priceless training resources for free. Attendees learnt how to set up development and production environments in the Cloud. The Cloud Study Jam is one of the best events since it’s all about gaining new skills, and get hands-on experience with the help of QwikLabs.

February 2018

7. The Entrepreneurs league Camp 2018

Mentor & Judging Panel

Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport- Port Said Branch, Port Said, Egypt / Feb. 07, 2018 (
I’ve mentored 65+ trainees forming 21 teams, on entrepreneurship and was part of the judging panel. A group of leading students brought together in a local scholarship program (LSP). This event sponsored by the U.S. embassy, and USAID program, is organized in the aim of overcoming obstacles that prevent our country from thriving. Arguably, the unemployment is considered the biggest problem confronting Egypt. As a result, the organizing team devoted their thoughts, attention and efforts attempting to get this problem solved.

December 2017

8. ICT in Our Lives 7th International Conference


Faculty of Commerce, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt / Speaker / Dec. 18, 2017 ( |
I’ve spoken to 85+ attendees about Google Assistant, and how to develop for it using Action on Google Console. In its 7th iteration, and during Alexandria University Platinum jubilee, the “ICT in Our Lives” international conference has been organized at faculty of commerce, and I gave a specialized session about Google Assistant, the voice commands and its importance in our lives, and how to develop for it using Actions on Google. I did a quick demo too on Google Home for more expressive and inclusive experience.

December 2017

9. RiseUp Summit 2017


THE GrEEK CAMPUS, Cairo, Egypt / Trainer / Dec. 01, 2017 (
I’ve trained 25+ web developers on Progressive Web Apps. On behalf of Google, I have gave intensive deep dive workshop on progressive web apps for selected number of web developers within the activities held on RiseUp Summit 2017. RiseUp Summit is the MENA region’s largest innovation and entrepreneurship summit, taking place in the heart of Downtown Cairo annually.

November 2017

10. GDG DevFest Lebanon 2017


American University – Beirut (AUB), Beirut, Lebanon / Speaker / Nov. 25, 2017 ( |
I’ve spoken to 365+ attendees about Progressive Web Apps and Google Assistant. For the first time in Lebanon, GDG Coast Lebanon held their first DevFest ever with elite group of speakers, and precisely selected topics that serve their audience best, and thank god they achieved a great success, and got amazing feedback. I gave two sessions that day, first about Progressive Web Apps, and the second about developing for Google Assistant which was really great.

November 2017

11. GDG Alexandria Devfest 2017


Faculty of Commerce, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt / Speaker / Nov. 11, 2017 ( |
I’ve spoken to 300+ attendees about Progressive Web Apps and Google Assistant, then ran a live demo on Google Home. The event at my hometown Alexandria was organized by GDG and WTM Alexandria, and it has been held at faculty of commerce, Alexandria University, with diversified and passionate audience, mostly students and undergraduates who are eager to learn and excel.

November 2017

12. GDG DevFest Great Cairo 2017


THE GrEEK CAMPUS / Speaker / Nov. 11, 2017 ( | photos)
I’ve spoken to 285+ attendees in two sessions about Dialogflow/Google Assistant, and Progressive Web Apps. For the first time ever, Cairo’s GDGs (Cairo / New Cairo / Shorouk) are teaming up to bring an extraordinary and a unique experience during the annual GDG DevFest Cairo 2017, making their fifth GDG DevFest exceptional at all levels.

October 2017

13. Chrome Dev Summit Live Tweeting

Social Media Coverage

Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco, United States / Social Media Coverage / Oct. 23-24, 2017 (
With 81.2k impressions, throughout the two days conference I’ve been tweeting live about almost all sessions for people following online streams, and highlighted the most significant changes & announcements made on the stage, with supporting screenshots and photos to give a almost full immersive experience for the conference. If you’ve missed the conference, you can watch it online, all sessions recorded on YouTube already.

September 2017

14. GDG 6 October DevFest’17


Information Technology Institute (ITI) Smart Village, Cairo, Egypt / Speaker / Oct. 13, 2017 ( |
I’ve spoken to 600+ attendees about Dialogflow, Google Assistant, Google Actions, ran a live demo on Google Home, and done a quick Dialogflow workshop. Google Developer Group and women techmakers 6 October city, organized GDG DevFest’17 for the third time in a row. GDG DevFest an annual event hosted by Google to highlight the latest in technology, product innovation and initiatives. The event had diversified talks by multiple speakers on a multi-track parallel sessions, about Google Assistant, Android, Kotlin, Machine Learning, UX, and few other supporting talks about startups, WTM initiatives.

September 2017

15. M3mal September MeetUp – Developers...


M3mal Coworking Space, Alexandria, Egypt / Host & Speaker / Sep. 29, 2017 (
I’ve spoken to and mentored around 60 developers about trending technologies, and ways to choose their technical career path. Some of the questions that we tried to answer during the meetup was: How can we raise the quality standards for our Developers community? who is responsible for the market distortion from your point of view? how can we make a professional standardization for the community? To work for yourself OR to work for a corporate, what do you prefer? Local clients OR international clients? Is your talent enough to survive?

September 2017

16. Google Developers Roadshow, Egypt


Information Technology Institute (ITI) Smart Village, Cairo, Egypt / Speaker / Sep. 23/24, 2017 (
I’ve spoken to almost 1800+ attendees over two consecutive days. I talked about how Google Assistant gives users their own personal Google that helps them find, organize, and get things done in their world, and how easily we as developers can develop Apps that extends Google Assistant by building actions that let users get things done with our products and services. I gave two more sessions at the conference, one for quick web updates that give something like “State of the union” speech about web platform updates during the past year, and the other session was about the amazing experience of Progressive Web Apps, how we could leverage better user experience with reliability, speed, and engagement features in mind. PWA workshops also included, so total of three sessions, and two workshops.

September 2017

17. Google Developers Roadshow, Jordan


Zain Jordan HQ, Amman, Jordan / Speaker / Sep. 19, 2017 (
I’ve trained 200+ attendees on reliable Progressive Web Apps, Google Assistant, and other Google technologies, as part of Google’s Developer Roadshow in Amman. On one topic, users learned how to build apps for the Google Assistant even if they don’t know how to code. Their apps can engage users through 100M+ devices including voice-activated speakers, Android phones, iPhones, Android TVs, and more; and on the other hand we introduced PWA, and how to build a reliable, fast, and engaging experience on the web, in addition to the awesome concept of AMP and getting even first page load fast, and staying fast.

September 2017

18. Reviewed Mobile Track Applications of...


Remote / Judge / 14 Sep. 2017 (
Reviewed Mobile Track Applications of “IbTIECar2017” Competition, at its 6th round / phase one. I’ve supported the Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center (TIEC), by reviewing and evaluating submitted applications and gave them grades according to the judging criteria provided in order to select the most promising projects for the second and final phase of the competition. The competition was launched in cooperation with Multinationals and MCIT affiliated organizations, for university students in technical faculties in the graduation year, recognizing the best graduation projects in the year, covering these tracks: (Embedded Systems, Mobile Applications, IoT for smart cities, Intelligent transportation, Smart buildings and utilities, Communications, IC Design, Data Science, Machine Learning for Natural Language Processing and Speech Processing).

September 2017

19. Google Developer Days Europe

Teaching Assistant

ICE Congress Center, Krakow, Poland / Teaching Assistant / Sep. 06/07, 2017 (
I’ve trained 200+ developers on Data-driven Progressive Web Apps and Integrating AMP into PWA, on two consecutive days. Google Developer Days (GDD) are global events showcasing the latest developer products and platforms from Google to help you quickly develop high quality apps, grow & retain an active user base, and tap into tools to earn more. PWAs are relatively easy to build for “read-only” sites, but what happens when you want your users to work offline and sync when online? We help you architect your app for static and dynamic data, build background sync, update your back-end when online, and use the latest Google tools to simplify the process. Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) are great for content-driven sites such as news sites and blogs, but what if you want to build them into Progressive Web Apps? This is how to combine the speed of AMP with the offline power of Progressive Web Apps.

July 2017

20. Google I/O 17 Extended 6th October City


Akhbar El Youm Academy, 6th of October City, Egypt / Speaker / July. 08, 2017 ( |
I’ve spoken to 300+ students about Google Assistant, Google Actions, and ran a live demo on Google Home. Google Developer Group and Women Techmakers 6 October city “GDG and WTM 6 October” are excited to announce Google I/O October Extended, for the first time. Google I/O is an annual event hosted by Google to highlight the latest in technology, product innovation and initiatives. This covers exciting topics, beginning with women techmakers initiative and opportunities, Android using Kotlin, Machine Learning, AI to WeaveIOT (Android of Things), Google Assistant and more.

May 2017

21. Progressive Web Apps Workshop, GDG...


Alexandrian Software and Information Technology Association, Alexandria, Egypt / Trainer / May 06-08, 2017 (
I’ve trained 25+ graduates and company employees on Progressive Web Apps, teaching them the concepts, the why behind it, and how to get started. In a way to explain a progressive web app as a progressive, responsive, connectivity independent, app-like, fresh, safe, discoverable, re-engageable, installable, and linkable, I’ve taken the audience in an interesting technical journey through the steps of explaining the concepts behind Progressive Web Apps, why is it important, and how to get started in a three intensive days workshop with both sessions and hands on codelabs.

May 2017

22. Next Technology Leaders, Full Stack Track...


Information Technology Institute, Alexandria, Egypt / Mentor / May. 06, 2017 ( |
I’ve mentored 15+ learners on Full Stack technologies, as part of MCIT initiative of supplying inclusive network of study groups for Udacity’s Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree. That’s part of a series of mentoring sessions across eight months. Helping learners engage in study groups through an initiative that offers a blended learning environment by facilitating study groups for learners so that they get engaged with other learners and get coaching and mentorship within their geographical area through a national network of study group mentors and project reviewers. We help them enhance their career with their newly acquired technical skills. Whether they target to create their own startup or advance to another career, they can rely on this initiative to support their career aspirations.

April 2017

23. Google Developer Roadshow, Saudi Arabia


Wadi Makkah, Umm Al Qura University, Makkah, Saudi Arabia / Speaker / Apr. 22, 2017  (
I’ve trained 100+ attendees on Progressive Web Apps, Google Assistant, and other Google technologies, as part of Google’s Developer Roadshow in Makkah. Google Assistant is an intelligent personal assistant developed by Google and announced at Google I/O in May 2016. Unlike Google Now, Google Assistant can engage in two-way conversations. Assistant initially debuted as part of Google’s messaging app Allo, and its voice-activated speaker Google Home.

April 2017

24. Next Technology Leaders, Full Stack Track...


Information Technology Institute, Alexandria, Egypt / Mentor / Apr. 08, 2017 ( |
I’ve mentored 15+ learners on Full Stack technologies, as part of MCIT initiative of supplying inclusive network of study groups for Udacity’s Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree. That’s part of a series of mentoring sessions across eight months. This program will prepare learners for a job as a Full Stack Web Developer, and teach them to build complex server-side web applications that use powerful relational databases to persistently store data. They learn to build applications that can support any front-end, and scale to support hundreds of thousands of users.

April 2017

25. Next Technology Leaders, Full Stack Track...


Information Technology Institute, Alexandria, Egypt / Mentor / Apr. 01, 2017 ( |
I’ve mentored 15+ learners on Full Stack technologies, as part of MCIT initiative of supplying inclusive network of study groups for Udacity’s Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree. That’s part of a series of mentoring sessions across eight months. The technology learning initiative “Next Technology Leaders (NTL)” to build capacity of young calibers on the latest information, communications, and electronics technologies. The Egyptian Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT) leads executing the NTL Initiative through the Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center of the Information Technology Industry Development Agency. Capacity building is to be orchestrated through the establishment of integral, practical, high-quality learning ecosystem, centered on the learner and supported by a distinctive content prepared through the collaborative effort of top universities and leading companies, and is made available on globally leading MOOC platforms. The ecosystem is inclusive of a nationwide network of study group mentors that coaches learners and stimulate the learning process. A network of project reviewers also assess and improve the learning outcomes.

March 2017

26. AWS info Session, M3mal


M3mal Coworking Space / Speaker / March. 29th, 2017 (
I’ve spoken to 30+ attendees about Amazon Web Services, why and how to get started with scalable applications on AWS cloud. As part of M3mal Coworking Space info session to introduce Amazon Web Services to the community, I’ve been part of the efforts and one of the speakers to explain it for the audience in plain english. During the session, we explained an overview about the many services in AWS, shown a quick demo on how to setup a scalable web application on AWS using EC2, S3, IAM, Route53, and CodeDeploy, and finally held a QA session.

March 2017

27. Next ’17 Extended – Cairo


Mushtarak Coworking Space / Speaker / March 8th, 2017 (
I did a speech and live demos of Google Cloud Machine Learning including Cloud Vision, Cloud Speech, Cloud Natural Language with some live examples as a side activity of GDG Cairo Cloud Next’17 Extended event. It’s not just a viewing party, we love code then why not do a live coding session before the streaming?! Well, that’s what we did at GDG Cairo in Next ’17 Extended – Cairo.

February 2017

28. IEEE Challenge Camp, Minia University, Egypt

Web Development Training

Minia University, Egypt / Trainer / On 13-16 February 2017 (
For a four consecutive days, I’ve trained 30+ students on web development and specifically the PHP programing language. The Challenge Camp​ organized by IEEE Minia University​, and had multiple tracks including web and mobile tracks. It was my first and not last training in upper Egypt, with overall positive results, so thanks to the university and organizers for hosting such educational events, and most importantly thanks to the students who came from far cities to attend the camp, hope you all enjoyed it and got benefit, as I did.

December 2016

29. Progressive Web Apps in Tunis, Tunisia

Progressive Web Apps Speaker

ESPRIT: Ecole Sup Privée d’Ingénierie et de Technologies, Tunisia / Speaker / Dec. 15, 2016 (
I’ve trained training 100+ attendees on Progressive Web Apps, as part of Google’s PWA Roadshow in Tunisia. Progressive Web Apps are experiences that combine the best of the web and the best of apps. They load quickly, even on flaky networks, can re-engage with users by sending web push notifications, have an icon on the home screen and load as top-level, full screen experiences. Topics delivered includes: 1) Securing the Foundation with HTTPS; 2) Tooling for Progressive Web Apps: Lighthouse and More; and finally a codelab / workshop about “Service Worker Tools & Lighthouse”.

December 2016

30. Progressive Web Apps in Dubai, UAE

Progressive Web Apps Speaker

Radisson Blu Hotel, Dubai Media City / Speaker / Dec. 07, 2016 (
I’ve trained training 100+ attendees on Progressive Web Apps, as part of Google’s PWA Roadshow in Dubai. Progressive Web Apps are experiences that combine the best of the web and the best of apps. They load quickly, even on flaky networks, can re-engage with users by sending web push notifications, have an icon on the home screen and load as top-level, full screen experiences. Topics delivered includes: 1) Progressive Web Apps: What, Why and How? 2) Service Workers for Instant and Offline Experiences; 3) Deep Engagement: Installable apps and Push Notifications; and finally a codelab / workshop about “Your First Progressive Web App”.

October 2016

31. GDG 6th October DevFest ’16

Progressive Web Apps Speaker

Information Technology Institute (ITI) Smart Village, Cairo, Egypt / Speaker / Oct. 28, 2016 ( |
Spoke and mentored 550+ attendees on Progressive Web Apps. GDG DevFests are large, community-run events Organized by GDGs & Supported by Google that can offer speaker sessions across multiple product areas. DevFest 6th October is a one day event jointly organized by GDG 6th October. There will be lots of sessions and presentations given by members of the local and international developer communities. The topics include Big Data, material design, Android, cloud & web, and the sessions will be held in parallel with workshops.

October 2016

32. GDG Alexandria DevFest ’16

Progressive Web Apps Speaker

Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport, Alexandria, Egypt / Speaker / Oct. 07, 2016 ( |
Spoke to and mentored 150+ attendees on Progressive Web Apps at GDG Alex DevFest (Developers Festival), that has been traditionally defined as a large, multi-track event and CodeLabs that covers a variety of Google Developer products. There are a lot of topics that we’re going to cover this year like Google Polymer, Android, Firebase , PWA and AngularJS 2. The event this year consists of two days, Day 1: Multi-Track Speakers’ sessions and CodeLabds that will cover many fields as outlined above; Day 2: Hackathon (hack day, hackfest or codefest) is an event in which computer programmers and others involved in software development, like graphic designers, interface designers and project managers, collaborate intensively on challenge for a single day, and winners get exclusive prizes. More information on Day 2 will be on Day 1

September 2016

33. Reviewed Applications of Mobile App Launchpad...


Remote / Judge / 16 Sep. 2016 (
Reviewed submitted applications of Mobile App Launchpad Competition. I’ve supported the Mobile App Launchpad Competition, powered by the MIT Enterprise Forum Pan Arab by reviewing and evaluating submitted applications and gave them grades according to the judging criteria provided for the Tech & Innovation Track.

September 2016

34. M3mal September MeetUp – Developers...


M3mal Coworking Space, Alexandria, Egypt / Speaker / 09 Sep., 2016 (
Spoke to and mentored 100+ developers about some of the vital topics in software industry, through the focused meetups managed and monitored by M3mal co-working space. We talked about how can we raise the quality standards for our Developers community? Who is responsible for the market distortion from our point of view? How can we make a professional standardization for the community? Are we a good person to communicate with your clients? Can we deal with them easily? How can we set our prices? What is the most important tools for us? how do we reach your clients? To work for yourself OR to work for a corporate, what’s preferred? Local clients or international clients? Is the talent enough to survive? If yes what is the secret? if no, what are the solutions to avoid this?

August 2016

35. Closed Camp – Egypt IoT League @Mersa...


Mersa Matruh, Egypt / Mentor / Aug. 28 — 02 Sep. 2016 (
Mentored 30+ graduates from different universities around Egypt in  closed camp in preparation for the final competition of Egypt IoT League Organized by Intel and TIEC’s Egypt IoT League. Egypt Internet of Things (IoT) League is a nationwide acceleration program for startups to be, that have innovative ideas in the area of Internet of Things (IoT) and related fields: Connected/Smart Solutions (Smart Home, Smart City, Smart Energy, Connected Cars, Wearables, Industry 4.0,…).  Egypt IoT League is co-organized by Intel Corporation and the Technology Innovation & Entrepreneurship Center (TIEC), Ministry of CIT in partnership with the Ministry of Youth and Sports and other corporate, academic, and government partners/sponsors. The program attracted more than 1,000 university senior students and graduates from engineering and computer science schools. During the demo day, the six (6) finalist teams are going to show their projects to the jury committee, competing for USD $5,000 cash awards in addition to acceleration/incubation opportunities.

August 2016

36. InnovEgypt @Faculty of Electronic Engineering...

Ideation Camp Trainer

Monufia, Egypt / Intel Ideation Educator / Aug. 27 — 01 Sep. 2016 (
Trained 90+ Engineering / Commerce students from Menouf University / Menofia / Organized by TIEC’s InnovEgypt in partnership with Intel Ideation Camp. Egypt Ideation is the first of its kind in Egypt, where student will learn how to generate ideas and to create innovative solutions to some of the greatest problems in Egypt and the world! During the module the student will learn how to become a great innovator and we will give you an important task to solve. As the world needs innovators and entrepreneurs who can create solutions for today’s problems.

August 2016

37. InnovEgypt @Mansoura University (Summer 2016)

Ideation Camp Trainer

Mansoura, Egypt / Intel Ideation Educator / Aug. 06 — 11, 2016 (
Trained 50+ Engineering / Commerce students from El-Mansoura University / El-Mansoura / Organized by TIEC’s Egypt IoT League in partnership with Intel Ideation Camp. Egypt Internet of Things (IoT) League is a nationwide acceleration program for startups to be, that have innovative ideas in the area of Internet of Things (IoT) and related fields: Connected/Smart Solutions (Smart Home, Smart City, Smart Energy, Connected Cars, Wearables, Industry, ..etc).

July 2016

38. InnovEgypt @Ain Shams University (Summer 2016)

Ideation Camp Trainer

Cair, Egypt / Intel Ideation Educator / Jul. 09 – 14, 2016 (
Trained 50+ Engineering / Commerce students from Ain Shams University / Cairo / Organized by TIEC’s InnovEgypt in partnership with Intel Ideation Camp. InnovEgypt Program is a training program in the area of innovation and entrepreneurship directed to university students in ICT specializations who are aspiring to be future innovators and entrepreneurs, either through establishing their own innovative start-ups or through manifesting skills that are highly required by local and multinational companies.

May 2016

39. GCP Next 2016 Extended

GCP & Laravel Speaker

Cairo, Egypt / GCP & Laravel Speaker / May. 07, 2016 ( |
Trained 60+ attendee @ Mushtarak Co-working Space / Cairo. One of the most focused and dedicated events in the country that covers Google Cloud Platform in deep details, with variety of related topics: Introduction to GCP, What’s next for Cloud, Laravel & App Engine Do Mix!, Google App Engine (Java Eclipse).

May 2016

40. Hack4Alex


Alexandria, Egypt / Mentor / May. 04, 2016 (

Trained 100+ attendee @ Alexandria Chamber of Commerce / Alexandria. Hack for Alex is the first Hackathon organized by Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center (TIEC) in cooperation with the General Division of the Computer and Software of the Federation of Egypt Chambers of Commerce (ITFoCC) with the aim to use new technologies – one of which is Internet of Things (IoT) – to come up with solutions to societal challenges.

December 2015

41. Devfest Cairo 2015

Firebase Speaker

Cairo, Egypt / Firebase Speaker / Dec. 24 — 25, 2015 ( |

Trained 150+ attendee @ The Greek Campus / Cairo. For the third year in a row GDG Cairo is part of the DevFest event series all around the world. DevFest is large, community-run event that offer speaker sessions across multiple product areas, all-day hack-a-thons, code labs, and more.

December 2015

42. ICT In Our Lives 2015

Sustainable Technology Speaker

Alexandria, Egypt / Sustainable Technology Speaker / Dec. 19 — 21, 2015 ( |

Trained 160+ attendee @ Faculty of Commerce / Alexandria. The conference is held under the auspices of President of Alexandria University  and covered the following topics: Google & the Environment, E-Learning, E-Governance, Solutions and Architectures, Economics and ICT, Open Source Software, ICT in Health Sector, Business Intelligence, Cloud Computing, IoT, Wearables and others.

December 2015

43. Google Developers Summit

Firebase Speaker

Cairo, Egypt / Firebase Speaker / Dec. 3 – 4, 2015 (

Trained 300+ attendee @ Information Technology Institute / Smart Village – Cairo. Google Developers Summit is packed full of Google technologies about Firebase, Android, Material Design and the Play Games Services. A day dedicated to talks given by Googlers, Local and international developer experts, and another full-day of workshops on all major topics. On top of that, lots of startups and other organisations have booths in the common areas. UNDP Egypt is participating as well.

November 2015

44. 6th October DevFest 2015

AngularJS Speaker

Giza, Egypt / AngularJS Speaker / Nov. 27, 2015 (

Trained 250+ attendee @ Nile University / 6th of October City. Lots of sessions and presentations given by members of the local and international developer communities. The topics include: Big Data , mobile, social, cloud & web, and the sessions held in parallel with workshops.

November 2015

45. Create48 hackathon in Alexandria


Alexandria, Egypt / Mentor / Nov. 19 — 21, 2015 ( |

Trained 150+ attendee @ Arab Academy for Science, Technology & MaritimeTransport / Alexandria. Throughout the two days, mentors invited from the same industry and sponsors, so that the participating startups can be exposed to real life experiences, tips and insights and get access to corporates that can lead finally to investment. Early staged startups also get a chance to find co-founders and build teams.

November 2015

46. GDG 6th October Web Development Workshop


Giza, Egypt / Trainer / Nov. 08, 2015 (

Trained 60+ students @ 6th of October University / 6th of October City. Expand upon your HTML5 knowledge with HTML5 and CSS3 Advanced for Responsive Web Design training class. This hands-on class allows students to learn the best and latest HTML5 and CSS3 techniques and features. Students will also be introduced to JavaScript.

Social Responsibility & Volunteer Activity

2010 - Present

1. Dozen Community Activities

Mentoring, Training, Speaking, and Conference Organizing

Learning is an ongoing mission for human beings, it’s a noble goal, and after learning comes giving back to the community and teaching. Through this natural philosophy, I’m trying to give back to the community though my fields of expertise. Through this document, you’ll find more about my contributions.

February 2011 - March 2011

2. Resala Training Center

Volunteer IT Instructor

Worked at Resala Charity (Resala Training Center) as a Volunteer IT Instructor teaching graduates/post graduates IT courses.

2010 - 2015

3. Alexandria Google Developer Group


Co-initiated the first official Alexandria GDG (Google Developer Group), to be the second GDG all over the country (after Cairo GDG).

2004 - 2007

4. Alexandria Life Makers

IT Committee Leader & Media Committee Co-leader

Worked with the most influencing volunteer people in initiating the first Life Makers working groups in Alexandria, and after being forked from the original “Alexandria Life Makers” as “s7aba, aka: sahabet elkhier” & after official publicity, I’ve worked as the IT Committee Leader in conjunction with Media Committee.

Presentations, Slides and Publications

May 2018

1. Make the most out of a conference

It’s amazing how simple tips and tricks can enable people to make the most out of a conference! It’s all about the mindset, attitude, and energy. Meeting people and being positive and accessible, talk, interact and generate creative ideas, being open and embracing the differences make it up to a better learning and growing experience. (

May 2018

2. All for one & one for all

Sometimes we need to get back to our roots, to remind ourselves of a higher purpose, to devote our actions to the human being, to the whole world, to be live example of the famous quote “All for one & one for all”. In this lightning talk I remind myself and fellow global citizens, brothers and sisters, about why “We” should be before “Me”, how to embrace discomfort, and how to change the way things are. United we stand divided we fall. (

April 2018

3. State of the WEB ’18

The web is evolving too fast, and it could be overwhelming sometimes to keep the rhythm with the pace of all that good work happening by the amazing web enthusiast engineers, so to put it all in a nutshell we’ll review the most significant changes in the web platform recently, including the major features and adoptions of PWA – Progressive Web Apps, and AMP – Accelerated Mobile Pages. It’s like headlines or teasers, that you can refer to individual topics for details later. You’re free to use these slides in your talks, I’d appreciate giving credits though. (

April 2018

4. Building Conversational Experiences for Google...

Meet your Google Assistant. Ask it questions. Tell it to do things. It’s your own personal Google, always ready to help. This session will go through Google Assistant features, how to use, and how can we develop for it too. We’ll have real demo on some of Google devices that supports Assistant, and will explore both easy and advanced ways to develop real world voice commands and actions for it. (

April 2018

5. Using Dialogflow to build actions for Google...

You already know Google Assistant, and you’re now ready to develop actions for billions of users? Let’s know about Dialogflow together and how simple and easy we can do amazing stuff with basic knowledge and sometimes without any coding at all. It’s kind of fun, and interesting experience, so let’s get started building something useful. (

March 2018

6. Google Cloud Platform Study Jam –...

Learn the fundamentals of the Google Cloud Platform, how to run containers on it and how to use the platform for data engineering. Attendees get free access to the labs ($70+ value). No need to create a Google Cloud Platform account or register with a credit card. This one in-person session of 3 hours, followed by 2-8 hours of self-study will boost your knowledge & technical skills, plus you will get Google-hosted badges that you can use in your online profile and show to employers. (

September 2017

7. The Web Platform – State of the Union...

The web is evolving too fast, and it could be overwhelming sometimes to keep the rhythm with the pace of all that good work happening by the amazing web enthusiast engineers, so to put it all in a nutshell we’ll review the most significant changes in the web platform within the last year. Just headlines and you can refer to individual topics for details. (

May 2017

8. Progressive Web Apps keynote ’17

Introduction to Progressive Web Apps, why is it important, and how to get started. A step by step guidance towards a better user experience. (

April 2017

9. Building for Google Assistant ‘17

A conversation between you and Google that helps you get more done in your world. Google Assistant is built on top of Google’s deep foundations and investments in ranking, machine learning, artificial intelligence, speech recognition, context, and natural language understanding. We have been investing in these areas for many years, and they are fundamental to creating a truly useful assistant. (

March 2017

10. How can you get started with machine learning?

Getting started with machine learning using cloud computing isn’t as hard as you may have thought. With Google Cloud Platform you’ve ready to use, state of art APIs full of intelligence such as cloud vision for image processing, cloud speech for sound recognition / transcription, natural language for text analysis, and of course cloud translate for language detection and translation. (

October 2016

11. Progressive Web Apps / GDG DevFest –...

My #ProgressiveWebApps presentation is available online now. Use it, learn more, and be awesome (

May 2016

12. Laravel & google cloud platform do mix​!

My presentation about running Laravel -the popular PHP framework- on Google App Engine. Session delivered at GDG Cairo through the GCP Next Extended season, on May 7th 2016. (

December 2015

13. Google Green

Raising awareness about #clean #energy and #sustainable #technology and #google #green mission. (

Opensource Projects Contribution

June 2016 - Present

1. 40+ Rinvex Active Open Source Projects

Author & Project Lead

We at Rinvex believe that our drive The Value, The Reach, and The Impact is what differentiates us and unleash the endless possibilities of our philosophy through the power of software. We like to call it Innovation At The Speed Of Life. That’s how we do our share of advancing humanity. We thrive to develop enterprise solutions for SMEs, and we’re open-sourcing almost every single line of code we develop with love & passion. It’s been a journey since June 2016, but we know that’s just the starting point. [Github Repositories]

2006 - February 2013

2. 25+ PHPKD Open Source Projects

Author & Project Lead

As a result of around six years of hard work under the umbrella of my internet company “PHP KingDom”, I’ve worked with awesome customers & organizations on a great platform -in it’s time- called vBulletin & created more than 25+ project released later as open sourced projects. [Github Repositories]

August 2012 - August 2013

3. Ampricot Stack

Author & Project Lead

Ampricot is a full-fledged and lightweight, free and open source, easy to install and use, cross-platform web server solution stack package for professional web development. [Github Repository]


4. MySmartBB Opensource Project

PHP Web Developer

Worked as a PHP developer on the opensource project MySmartBB building new features, fixing bugs, and participating in the second generation framework planning.


5. phpAdsNew Opensource Project

Arabic Language Translator

Worked as an Arabic translator on the opensource project phpAdsNew (aka OpenX Ad Server Solution).

2006 - 2008

6. MKPortal CMS Opensource Project

Official Arabic Support

Launched and operated the Official Arabic Support Center for the opensource project MKPortal CMS.

Courses & Certificates

November 2019

1. Google Workspace Administration Specialization

This specialization has been developed to help administrators master the foundations of establishing and managing Google Workspace for their organization.

We set up a new Google Workspace account, and explore provisioning options. We learned how to manage users and become familiar with organizational structures and Google Workspace core services. We learned how to configure these services to meet our own organizational needs.

We got introduced to the best practices to protect our users and data. We examined user and application security and became familiar with the Single Sign On options available. We understood how to use the tools provided to identify security events and mitigate problems that may arise.

We configured email compliance and implement measures to protect our organization from spam, spoofing, phishing and malware attacks. We also became familiar with mail routing options available.

Finally, we learned the best practices for deploying Google Workspace for your organization.

Course Certificates Completed:

  • Elastic Google Cloud Infrastructure: Scaling and Automation
  • Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure
  • Elastic Cloud Infrastructure: Containers and Services
  • Essential Google Cloud Infrastructure: Foundation
  • Reliable Google Cloud Infrastructure: Design and Process
  • Essential Google Cloud Infrastructure: Core Services


Google Workspace Administration Specialization - Abdelrahman Omran Certificate - MSXVF5MCJHVL

November 2019

2. Google Workspace Security

This is part of the Google Workspace Administration Specialization

Google Workspace Security is the third course in the Google Workspace Administration series.

This course is focused on the various aspects of Google Workspace Security including user password policies and how to enable and enforce two step verification (2SV) for our users. We learned about application security and understood how to whitelist and block API access to our account. We’ve seen how Google Workspace can easily be integrated with a number of predefined 3rd party applications. We also became familiar with the SSO options in Google Workspace. Finally we understood how to spot potential security risks within your organization and learned how to address them using the tools available in the admin console.


  • Configure Google’s default user protection settings such as password policies and recovery options.
  • Restrict access to a Google service to trusted applications only to prevent malicious attacks on that service.
  • Manage the Google Workspace Marketplace for your organization to ensure only trusted applications can be installed on our devices.
  • Understand the SSO options available and be able to identify the differences between using Google as an Identity Provider versus a 3rd party provider.
  • Be able to integrate cloud based enterprise SAML applications into our Google Workspace account using Google as the Identity Provider.
  • Understand how to integrate our own LDAP compliant applications into Google Workspace using the Secure LDAP service.
  • Use the security and alert centers to identify, triage, and take action on security and privacy issues in the organization.
  • Understand best practices for implementing and enforcing 2-step verification in the organization.


Google Workspace Security - Abdelrahman Omran Certificate - P8EP2BTJKVLH

November 2019

3. Google Workspace Mail Management

This is part of the Google Workspace Administration Specialization

Google Workspace Mail Management is the fourth course in the Google Workspace Administration series.

In this course we learned how to protect the organization against spam, spoofing, phishing and malware attacks. We configured email compliance and learned how to implement data loss prevention (DLP) for the organization. We gained an understanding of the mail routing options available and learned how to whitelist and block senders. We also became familiar with other mail options such as inbound and outbound gateways, 3rd party email archiving, and journaling to Vault.


  • How to control which end user access features are available to users.
  • How to protect users from inbound phishing and harmful software (malware).
  • Basic understanding of the Domain Name System (DNS) used on the internet and be able to identify the record types used by Google Workspace.
  • Ability to implement common email security measures in your DNS records such as SPF, DKIM and DMARC and ability to explain the purpose of each measure.
  • How to configure email whitelists, blacklists and approved sender lists to better manage mail delivery and protect against spam, phishing and malware.
  • Basic understanding of the mail routing options available to us as the Google Workspace administrators.
  • Understanding of the various compliance features provided in Google Workspace.

Google Workspace Mail Management - Abdelrahman Omran Certificate - UGAENKM64GJU

November 2019

4. Managing Google Workspace

This is part of the Google Workspace Administration Specialization

Managing Google Workspace is the second course in the Google Workspace Administration series.

This course focuses on the Google Workspace core services such as Gmail, Calendar, and Drive & Docs. We became familiar with the various service settings, and learned how to enable them for all or just a subset of the users. We gained an understanding of Google Vault, Google’s ediscovery service. We understood the various admin console reports that are available and the ability to search and filter the information in these reports. Finally we’ve seen how multiple domains can be used with Google Workspace and learned how to add a new domain to the account.


  • Enable and disable Google Workspace services for different parts of the organization.
  • Configure common settings for Google Workspace core services such as Gmail, Calendar, and Drive and Docs.
  • Describe Google Vault and learn how to use it to retain, search and export your organization’s data.
  • Navigate and interpret Google Workspace admin reports and setup administrator alerts.
  • Understand the mobile device management options available in Google Workspace.
  • Explain the basics of multi domain management within Google Workspace.


Managing Google Workspace - Abdelrahman Omran Certificate - RCTJDWUX3L47

November 2019

5. Introduction to Google Workspace

This is part of the Google Workspace Administration Specialization

Completed the introduction to Google Workspace, which is the first course in the Google Workspace Administration series of courses.

This series serves as the starting place for Google Workspace admins as the journey of managing and establishing Google Workspace best practices for the organization begins. These courses together gives the confident to utilize the basic functions of the admin console to manage users, control access to services, configure security settings, and much more.

Through a series of readings and step-by-step hands-on exercises, and knowledge checks, learners can expect to leave this training with all of the skills they need to get started as Google Workspace administrators.

In this course we signed up for a Google Workspace account and configured our DNS records for Google Workspace. We learned how to provision and manage users, and create groups and calendar resources for the organization. We got introduced to the Cloud Directory and learned how to split the organization into organizational units to simplify user and service management. Finally we learned how to delegate admin privileges to other users in your organization.


  • Undertake common user management tasks.
  • Describe the key properties of the Google Workspace directory.
  • Provision users, groups and calendar resources in Google Workspace.
  • Setup a Google Workspace account and access and navigate the admin console.
  • Explain how an organizational structure can be used in Google Workspace to simplify user and service management.
  • Use the Google Workspace Help Center as an aid to managing Google Workspace.
  • Describe the types of admin roles available in Google Workspace.

Introduction to Google Workspace - Abdelrahman Omran Certificate - AVTJHVDHFVAN

September 2019

6. Cloud Engineering with Google Cloud Specialization

This program provides the skills we need to advance your career in cloud architecture and provides a pathway to earn the industry-recognized Google Cloud Associate Cloud Engineer certification. Through a combination of presentations, demos, and labs, we explored and deploy solution elements, including infrastructure components such as networks, systems and applications services; and we gained real world experience through a number of hands-on Qwiklabs projects.

We also had the opportunity to practice key job skills, such as setting up a cloud environment and configuring and deploying a solution in the cloud. This program also provided sample questions similar to those on the exam, including solutions and practice exam quizzes that simulates the exam-taking experience.


  • Prepared for the Associate Cloud Engineer certification.
  • Skills needed to be successful in a cloud engineering role.
  • The infrastructure and platform services provided by Google Cloud Platform.
  • The purpose and intent of the Associate Cloud Engineer certification and its relationship to other Google Cloud certifications.

Course Certificates Completed:

  • Elastic Google Cloud Infrastructure: Scaling and Automation
  • Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure
  • Elastic Cloud Infrastructure: Containers and Services
  • Essential Google Cloud Infrastructure: Foundation
  • Preparing for the Google Cloud Associate Cloud Engineer Exam
  • Essential Google Cloud Infrastructure: Core Services

Skills: Google Compute Engine, Google App Engine (GAE), Google Cloud Platform, Cloud Computing, Virtual Machine, Network Architecture, Debugging, Cloud Storage, Data Store, Load Balancing, Virtual Private Network (VPN), Autoscaling


Cloud Engineering with Google Cloud Specialization - Abdelrahman Omran Certificate - 5TE5GW7W858W

September 2019

7. Architecting with Google Compute Engine...

87% of Google Cloud certified users feel more confident in their cloud skills. This program provides the skills we need to advance our career, and training to support our preparation for the industry-recognized Google Cloud Associate Cloud Engineer certification.

Course Certificates Completed:

  • Elastic Google Cloud Infrastructure: Scaling and Automation
  • Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure
  • Elastic Cloud Infrastructure: Containers and Services
  • Essential Google Cloud Infrastructure: Foundation
  • Preparing for the Google Cloud Associate Cloud Engineer Exam
  • Essential Google Cloud Infrastructure: Core Services

Skills: Google Compute Engine, Google App Engine (GAE), Google Cloud Platform, Cloud Computing, Virtual Machine, Network Architecture, Debugging, Cloud Storage, Data Store, Load Balancing, Virtual Private Network (VPN), Autoscaling



Architecting with Google Compute Engine Specialization - Abdelrahman Omran Certificate - A2EE557MLBM5

September 2019

8. Preparing for the Google Cloud Associate Cloud...

This is part of the Cloud Engineering with Google Cloud Professional Specialization

This on-demand course helped us structure the preparation for the Associate Cloud Engineer exam. The sessions covered the structure and format of the examination, as well as its relationship to other Google Cloud certifications. Through lectures, demos and hands-on labs, we familiarized ourselves with the domains covered by the examination.

This course helped us better understand the areas covered by the exam and navigate the recommended resources provided by Google and Qwiklabs for preparing to take the exam, so we can formulate our own personal study plans.

Skills: Google Cloud, Cloud Computing, GCP Infrastructure, GCP ACE Certification


Preparing for the Google Cloud Associate Cloud Engineer Exam - Abdelrahman Omran Certificate - 6ELFSS95SWJM

September 2019

9. Reliable Google Cloud Infrastructure: Design...

This is part of SRE and DevOps Engineer with Google Cloud Professional Specialization

This course equipped us to build highly reliable and efficient solutions on Google Cloud using proven design patterns. It is a continuation of the Architecting with Google Compute Engine and Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine courses and assumes hands-on experience with the technologies covered in both courses. Through a combination of presentations, design activities, and hands-on labs, we learned to define and balance business and technical requirements to design Google Cloud deployments that are highly reliable, highly available, secure, and cost-effective.


  • Secure cloud applications, data, and infrastructure.
  • Apply a tool set of questions, techniques, and design considerations.
  • Decompose application requirements to find the right microservice boundaries.
  • Define application requirements and express them objectively as KPIs, SLOs and SLIs.
  • Leverage Google Cloud developer tools to set up modern, automated deployment pipelines.
  • Implement reliable, scalable, resilient applications balancing key performance metrics with cost.
  • Choose the appropriate Cloud Storage services based on application requirements.
  • Choose the right Google Cloud deployment services for our applications.
  • Monitor service level objectives and costs using Google Cloud tools.
  • Architect cloud and hybrid networks.

Skills: Disaster Recovery, Site Reliability Engineering, Google Cloud Platform, Cloud Computing


Reliable Google Cloud Infrastructure - Design and Process - Abdelrahman Omran Certificate - XLA7CTV3ALVA

September 2019

10. Elastic Google Cloud Infrastructure: Scaling...

This is part of Architecting with Google Compute Engine Specialization

This accelerated on-demand course introduced the comprehensive and flexible infrastructure and platform services provided by Google Cloud. Through a combination of video lectures, demos, and hands-on labs, we explored and deploy solution elements, including securely interconnecting networks, load balancing, autoscaling, infrastructure automation and managed services.


  • Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure.
  • Essential Google Cloud Infrastructure: Foundation.
  • Essential Google Cloud Infrastructure: Core Services.
  • Proficiency with command-line tools and Linux operating system environments.
  • Systems Operations including deploying and managing applications, both on-premises and in a public cloud environment.

Skills: Load Balancing, Virtual Private Network (VPN), Google Cloud Platform, Autoscaling


Elastic Google Cloud Infrastructure - Scaling and Automation - Abdelrahman Omran Certificate - VTZAKRHVAZ2Y

September 2019

11. Essential Google Cloud Infrastructure: Core...

This is part of Cloud Engineering with Google Cloud Professional Specialization

This accelerated on-demand course introduced the comprehensive and flexible infrastructure and platform services provided by Google Cloud with a focus on Compute Engine. Through a combination of video lectures, demos, and hands-on labs, we explored and deploy solution elements, including infrastructure components such as networks, systems and applications services. This course also covered deploying practical solutions including customer-supplied encryption keys, security and access management, quotas and billing, and resource monitoring.


  • Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure.
  • Essential Google Cloud Infrastructure: Foundation.
  • Proficiency with command-line tools and Linux operating system environments.
  • Systems Operations including deploying and managing applications, both on-premises and in a public cloud environment.

Skills: Debugging, Cloud Storage, Data Store, Google Cloud Platform


Essential Google Cloud Infrastructure - Core Services - Abdelrahman Omran Certificate - FXXZH87WUNBH

August 2019

12. Elastic Cloud Infrastructure: Containers and...

This is part of Architecting with Google Compute Engine Specialization

In this course, we explored services provided to applications built on GCP that enhance the scalability and maintainability. We worked with services like Google Cloud Pub/Sub and Google Cloud Functions to make applications more efficient. We explored the use of containers on GCP.


  • Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals.
  • Essential Cloud Infrastructure: Foundation.
  • Essential Cloud Infrastructure: Core Services
  • Elastic Cloud Infrastructure: Scaling and Automation.
  • Proficiency with command-line tools and Linux operating system environments.
  • Systems Operations experience including deploying and managing applications, both on-premises and in a public cloud environment.

Skills: Google Container Engine, Google App Engine (GAE), Kubernetes, Google Cloud Platform


Elastic Cloud Infrastructure - Containers and Services - Abdelrahman Omran Certificate - DY5QXPXL6YR2

July 2019

13. The Bits and Bytes of Computer Networking

This is part of the Google IT Support Professional Specialization

This course is designed to provide a full overview of computer networking. We covered everything from the fundamentals of modern networking technologies and protocols to an overview of the cloud to practical applications and network troubleshooting.


  • Describe computer networks in terms of a five-layer model.
  • Grasp powerful network troubleshooting tools and techniques.
  • Understand all of the standard protocols involved with TCP/IP communications.
  • Learn network services like DNS and DHCP that help make computer networks run.
  • Understand cloud computing, everything as a service, and cloud storage

Skills: Domain Name System (DNS), Ipv4, Network Model, Troubleshooting

The Bits and Bytes of Computer Networking - Abdelrahman Omran Certificate - K7UUUVL8DNSQ

July 2019

14. Google IT Support Professional Specialization

This program includes over 100 hours of instruction and hundreds of practice-based assessments, which helps simulate real-world IT support scenarios that are critical for success in the workplace.

Through a mix of videos, assessments, and hands-on labs, we’re introduced to troubleshooting, customer service, networking, operating systems, and security — foundational IT skills.

Skills include: Network protocols, cloud computing, Windows operating system, Linux command line, systems administration, encryption algorithms and techniques, and more.


  • Learn to perform day-to-day IT support tasks including computer assembly, wireless networking, installing programs, and customer service.
  • Learn how to provide end-to-end customer support, ranging from identifying problems to troubleshooting and debugging.
  • Learn to use systems including Linux, Domain Name Systems, Command-Line Interface, and Binary Code.

Skills: Debugging, Encryption Algorithms and Techniques, Customer Service, Network Protocols, Cloud Computing

Google IT Support Professional Specialization - Abdelrahman Omran Certificate - FD5RW75PNYCP

April 2019

15. Operating Systems and You: Becoming a Power User

This is part of the Google IT Support Professional Specialization

In this course — through a combination of video lectures, demonstrations, and hands-on practice — we learn about the main components of an operating system and how to perform critical tasks like managing software and users, and configuring hardware.


  • Configure disk partitions and filesystems.
  • Set up users, groups, and permissions for account access.
  • Install, configure, and remove software on the Windows and Linux operating systems.
  • Navigate the Windows and Linux filesystems using a graphical user interface and command line interpreter.
  • Utilize operating system knowledge to troubleshoot common issues in an IT Support Specialist role.
  • Understand how system processes work and how to manage them.
  • Work with system logs and remote connection tools.

Skills: Powershell, Linux File Systems, Linux, Command-Line Interface

Operating Systems and You - Becoming a Power User - Abdelrahman Omran Certificate - XRCDNHPJS2D8

April 2019

16. System Administration and IT Infrastructure...

This is part of the Google IT Support Professional Specialization

This course transition IT specialists from working on a single computer to an entire fleet. Systems administration is the field of IT that’s responsible for maintaining reliable computers systems in a multi-user environment. In this course, we learn about the infrastructure services that keep all organizations, big and small, up and running. We deep dive on cloud so that we understand everything from typical cloud infrastructure setups to how to manage cloud resources. We also learn how to manage and configure servers and how to use industry tools to manage computers, user information, and user productivity. Finally, we learn how to recover the organization’s IT infrastructure in the event of a disaster.


  • Choose and manage the tools that the organization will use.
  • Understand how to make the most of the cloud for the organization.
  • Utilize best practices for choosing hardware, vendors, and services for the organization.
  • Understand how the most common infrastructure services that keep an organization running work, and how to manage infrastructure servers.
  • Manage an organization’s computers and users using the directory services, Active Directory, and OpenLDAP.
  • Backup the organization’s data and know how to recover the IT infrastructure in the case of a disaster.
  • Utilize systems administration knowledge to plan and improve processes for IT environments.

Skills: Directory Service, Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), Backup

System Administration and IT Infrastructure Services - Abdelrahman Omran Certificate - 2Z9FA8L55RMB

April 2019

17. Technical Support Fundamentals

This is part of the Google IT Support Professional Specialization

This course is the first of a series that aims to prepare for a role as an entry-level IT Support Specialist. In this course, we’re introduced to the world of Information Technology, or IT. We learned about the different facets of Information Technology, like computer hardware, the Internet, computer software, troubleshooting, and customer service. This course covers a wide variety of topics in IT that are designed to give an overview of what’s to come in this certificate program.


  • Understand how the binary system works.
  • Assemble a computer from scratch.
  • Choose and install an operating system on a computer.
  • Understand what the Internet is, how it works, and the impact it has in the modern world.
  • Learn how applications are created and how they work under the hood of a computer.
  • Utilize common problem-solving methodologies and soft skills in an Information Technology setting

Skills: Binary Code, Customer Support, Linux, Troubleshooting

Technical Support Fundamentals - Abdelrahman Omran Certificate - AYRD2FVDW7U9

March 2019

18. How Google does Machine Learning

This is part of the Machine Learning with TensorFlow on Google Cloud Platform Specialization

What is machine learning, and what kinds of problems can it solve?

Google thinks about machine learning slightly differently — of being about logic, rather than just data. We talk about why such a framing is useful for data scientists when thinking about building a pipeline of machine learning models.

Then, we discuss the five phases of converting a candidate use case to be driven by machine learning, and consider why it is important the phases not be skipped. We end with a recognition of the biases that machine learning can amplify and how to recognize this.


  • Frame a business use case as a machine learning problem.
  • Gain a broad perspective of machine learning and where it can be used.
  • Convert a candidate use case to be driven by machine learning.

Skills: Application Programming Interfaces (API), Inclusive ML, Machine Learning, Google Cloud Platform, Bigquery

How Google does Machine Learning - Abdelrahman Omran Certificate - VRWQCUZFPW3Z

March 2019

19. Essential Google Cloud Infrastructure: Foundation

This is part of Architecting with Google Compute Engine Specialization

Through this accelerated on-demand course, we got introduced to participants to the comprehensive and flexible infrastructure and platform services provided by Google Cloud with a focus on Compute Engine. Through a combination of video lectures, demos, and hands-on labs, we explored and deployed solution elements, including infrastructure components such as networks, virtual machines and applications services. We learned how to use the Google Cloud through the console and Cloud Shell. We also learned about the role of a cloud architect, approaches to infrastructure design, and virtual networking configuration with Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Projects, Networks, Subnetworks, IP addresses, Routes, and Firewall rules.


  • Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure
  • Proficiency with command-line tools and Linux operating system environments.
  • System Operations including deploying and managing applications, both on-premises and in a public cloud environment.

Skills: Google Compute Engine, Virtual Machine, Network Architecture, Google Cloud Platform


Essential Google Cloud Infrastructure - Foundation - Abdelrahman Omran Certificate - WGZ6HV6E9YNZ

February 2019

20. Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core...

This is part of Cloud Architecture with Google Cloud Professional Specialization

We got introduced you to important concepts and terminology for working with Google Cloud Platform (GCP). We learned about, and compared, many of the computing and storage services available in Google Cloud Platform, including Google App Engine, Google Compute Engine, Google Kubernetes Engine, Google Cloud Storage, Google Cloud SQL, and BigQuery. We learned about important resource and policy management tools, such as the Google Cloud Resource Manager hierarchy and Google Cloud Identity and Access Management. Hands-on labs gave us foundational skills for working with GCP.

Skills: Google Compute Engine, Google App Engine (GAE), Google Cloud Platform, Cloud Computing

Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals - Core Infrastructure - Abdelrahman Omran Certificate - N4LB6FVSC3X3

May 2018 - July 2018

21. Google Developer Expert – Cloud GDE

Google Cloud Platform

With dozen community activities, zillion lines of open source code, and successfully passing Google’s GDE interviews, I’ve been certified by Google as an expert in Google Cloud Platform. [Official Reference]

January 2018 - July 2018

22. Google Developer Expert – Assistant GDE

Google Assistant

With dozen community activities, zillion lines of open source code, and successfully passing Google’s GDE interviews, I’ve been certified by Google as an expert in Google Assistant. [Official Reference]

June 2017 - July 2018

23. Google Developer Expert – Identity GDE

Google Identity
June 2016 - July 2018

24. Google Developer Expert – Web GDE

Web Technologies

In June 2016, I got the happy news that I’ve passed all interviews and became certified by Google as an expert in Web Technologies.

Google Developers Experts (GDEs) are a global network of experienced product strategists, designers, developers and marketing professionals actively supporting developers, startups and companies changing the world through web and mobile applications.

GDEs are experienced, recognized developers of Google technologies as well as outstanding professionals in product strategy, UX/UI, marketing, growth hacking and monetization. They distinguish themselves through frequently speaking at conferences, share their passion and experience by publishing videos and tutorials, writing code samples, mentoring developers and startups and much more. Thanks to their support, developers, high-potential startups and technical communities around the world build and launch highly innovative apps.

March 2015

25. Modern Software Architecture: Essential...

Trainer(s): Ameer Gaafar & Mustafa Gamal, Training Center: SECC - Software Engineering Competence Center, Hours: 24

Although software architecture plays a decisive role in defining software reliability, performance, and maintenance cost, most developers are left to struggle with it and to learn through expensive mistakes and pitfalls! The course introduces essential architectural patterns for User Interfaces, Business Logic, and Relational Database access to complement its practitioner’s approach.

January 2015

26. Developing Creativity for Leaders

Instructor: Hadeer Marzouk, Training Center: Heliopolis Academy
The world doesn’t need another copy! In this training we learned how to develop unique ideas and standout as leaders. Creativity enables us to become a better problem solvers. We learned also how to remove barriers that block or limit creative thinking. Throughout this session we’ve been trained on how to improve our imagination, divergent thinking, and mental flexibility by realizing our true inspiration.
November 2010

27. 2956B: Core Foundations of Microsoft .NET 2.0...

Instructor: Mohamed Attalah, Training Center: New Horizons, Hours: 20

This course provides the knowledge and skills to program Microsoft .NET Framework applications by using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 development system.

November 2010

28. 6463A: Microsoft Visual Studio 2008: ASP.NET 3.5

Instructor: Mohamed Attalah, Training Center: New Horizons, Hours: 15

This course provides the knowledge and skills to create a fully functional Web application by using ASP.NET 3.5.

July 2010

29. 2778A: Writing Queries Using Microsoft SQL...

Instructor: Amr Al-Engbawy, Training Center: New Horizons, Hours: 24

This course Provides the technical skills required to write basic Transact-SQL queries for Microsoft SQL Server 2008.

May 2010

30. 2275C: Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server...

Instructor: Yousry Khattab, Training Center: New Horizons, Hours: 24

This course provides the knowledge and skills that are needed to effectively maintain server resources, monitor server performance, and safeguard data on a computer running one of the operating systems in the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 family.

May 2010

31. Javascript Programming

Instructor: Heba Hegab, Training Center: New Horizons, Hours: 32

This hands on Javascript training course provides the knowledge necessary to design and develop dynamic Web pages using Javascript. The course introduces how the language can be used to turn static XHTML pages into dynamic, interactive Web pages. Students will learn the syntax of the Javascript language and how client-side scripts interact with server-side programs. Additional topics include the Document Object Model (DOM), form validation, cookies, functions, and objects.

April 2010

32. 2780B: Maintaining a Microsoft SQL Server 2005...

Instructor: Eman Ali, Training Center: New Horizons, Hours: 40

This course provides the knowledge and skills to maintain a Microsoft SQL Server 2005 database. The course focuses on teaching individuals how to use SQL Server 2005 product features and tools related to maintaining a database.

April 2010

33. Java 5 Enterprise JavaBeans

Instructor: Doaa Abd ElFatah, Training Center: New Horizons, Hours: 24

This course provides the knowledge and skills to develop, deploy, and run distributed applications using Enterprise JavaBeans 3.0 (EJB 3.0). The corse focuses on learning how to build real-world applications such as e-commerce web stores, banking transactions, stock-trading applications, credit-card processing, and insurance risk analysis applications, to name a few.

April 2010

34. Java 5 Security Fundamentals

Instructor: Doaa Abd ElFatah, Training Center: New Horizons, Hours: 16

This course provides the knowledge and skills to add security features to applets and applications so that unwanted access can be prevented and valuable assets can be protected.

April 2010

35. 2549A: Advanced Distributed Application...

Instructor: Heba Hegab, Training Center: New Horizons, Hours: 16

This workshop provides the knowledge and skills to develop advanced distributed applications using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005. The workshop focuses on advanced features of Web Services Enhancements (WSE) 3.0 and message queuing.

March 2010

36. 2782A: Designing Microsoft SQL Server 2005...

Instructor: Eman Ali, Training Center: New Horizons, Hours: 16

This course provides the knowledge and skills to design databases for Microsoft SQL Server 2005 using business requirements to guide their decisions (beyond structured third normal form [3NF] modeling techniques). The course introduces incorporating security requirements throughout their design.

March 2010

37. 2548B: Core Distributed Application...

Instructor: Mohamed Farouk, Training Center: New Horizons, Hours: 24

This workshop provides the knowledge and skills to develop distributed applications by using the Microsoft .NET Framework and Microsoft Visual Studio 2005. The workshop focuses on building distributed applications by using Web services, remoting, Microsoft Message Queuing, and serviced components.

March 2010

38. Java 5 Enterprise Connectivity

Instructor: Doaa Abd ElFatah, Training Center: New Horizons, Hours: 16

This course provides the knowledge and skills to establish connectivity in an enterprise using Java EE in order to create unlimited opportunities for the growth of the enterprise.

March 2010

39. 2781A: Designing Microsoft SQL Server 2005...

Instructor: Eman Ali, Training Center: New Horizons, Hours: 40

This course provides the knowledge and skills to design server-side solutions for Microsoft SQL Server 2005. The course focuses on teaching database developers who work in enterprise environments to identify and place database technologies during design to achieve a suitable solution that meets the needs of an organization. The course consider the solution from a system-wide view instead of from a single database or server perspective.

March 2010

40. Java EE5 Web Component Development

Instructor: Mohamed Mahmoud, Training Center: New Horizons, Hours: 40

This course provides the knowledge and skills to develop web components in an enterprise environment. The course offers a job-related approach to the web application development process and provides the basic expertise required to develop efficient Java Enterprise Edition 5 (JEE 5) web components.

February 2010

41. 2547A: Advanced Windows Forms Technologies...

Instructor: Heba Hegab, Training Center: New Horizons, Hours: 16

This workshop provides the knowledge and skills to develop advanced Microsoft Windows Forms applications using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005. The workshop focuses on user interfaces, program structure, and implementation details.

February 2010

42. Java 5 Object Oriented Analysis and Design...

Instructor: Mohamed Mahmoud, Training Center: New Horizons, Hours: 24

This course provides the knowledge and skills to pictorially represent the software design and business processes, to deliver higher quality systems to the customers and end users. The course introduces the basic concepts of the Unified Modeling Language (UML), Model Driven Architecture (MDA), and the Unified Software Development Process.

January 2010

43. Java 5 Advanced Programming

Instructor: Doaa Abd ElFatah, Training Center: New Horizons, Hours: 16

This course provides the knowledge and skills to create large and focused software applications using Java 1.5 extensive advanced and new features.

January 2010

44. Java 2 Advanced Programming

Instructor: Doaa Abd ElFatah, Training Center: New Horizons, Hours: 24

This course provides the knowledge and skills to create simplesoftware applications using Java 1.2 extensive advanced features.

January 2010

45. 2542A: Advanced Data Access with Microsoft...

Instructor: Moustafa Samir, Training Center: New Horizons, Hours: 16

This workshop provides the knowledge and skills needed to use advanced data access features and techniques in the Microsoft .NET Framework and Microsoft Visual Studio 2005. The workshop describes how to access data and how to implement database functionality by using Microsoft ADO.NET 2.0 and Microsoft SQL Server 2005. The workshop also describes how to locate, edit, and transform XML by using XPath and Extensible Style sheet Language for Transformations (XSLT).

December 2009

46. Java Programming Fundamentals

Instructor: Doaa Abd ElFatah, Training Center: New Horizons, Hours: 40

This course provides the knowledge and skills to the fundamentals of the Java Programming Language and provides an excellent choice for beginning to learn programming using the Java programming language. The course teaches the significance of object-oriented programming, the keywords and constructs of the Java programming language, and the steps required to create simple Java technology programs using Java Standard Edition Development Kit (JDK).

December 2009

47. 2541B: Core Data Access with Microsoft Visual...

Instructor: Heba Hegab, Training Center: New Horizons, Hours: 24

This workshop provides the knowledge and skills to develop data-access applications by using the Microsoft .NET Framework and Microsoft Visual Studio 2005. The workshop describes how to access and update data in a database by using ADO.NET. The workshop also describes how to create, read, and write XML data.

December 2009

48. 2546B: Core Windows Forms Technologies with...

Instructor: Heba Hegab, Training Center: New Horizons, Hours: 24

This workshop provides the knowledge and skills to develop Microsoft Windows Forms applications using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005. The workshop focuses on user interfaces, program structure, and implementation details.

November 2009

49. 2272C: Implementing and Supporting Microsoft...

Instructor: Mohamed Fawzy, Training Center: New Horizons, Hours: 40

The purpose of this course is to address the implementation and desktop support needs of customers that are planning to deploy and support Microsoft Windows XP Professional in a variety of stand-alone and network operating system environments. It provides in-depth, hands-on training for Information Technology (IT) professionals responsible for the planning, implementation, management, and support of Windows XP Professional. The course is based on the final, retail release of Windows XP Professional.

November 2009

50. 2544A: Advanced Web Application Technologies...

Instructor: Mohamed Attalah, Training Center: New Horizons, Hours: 16

This workshop provides the knowledge and skills to develop Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 Web applications using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005. The workshop focuses on advanced user interfaces, Web site functionality, and implementation details using the advanced features of ASP.NET 2.0 and Visual Studio 2005.

October 2009

51. 2779B: Implementing a Microsoft SQL Server...

Instructor: Amr Al-Engbawy, Training Center: New Horizons, Hours: 40

This course provides the knowledge and skills to implement a Microsoft SQL Server 2005 database. The course focuses on teaching individuals how to use SQL Server 2005 product features and tools related to implementing a database.

September 2009

52. 2778: Writing Queries Using Microsoft SQL...

Instructor: Amr Al-Engbawy, Training Center: New Horizons, Hours: 24

This course provides the technical skills required to write basic Transact-SQL queries for Microsoft SQL Server 2005.

August 2009

53. 2543B: Core Web Application Technologies with...

Instructor: Mohamed Attalah, Training Center: New Horizons, Hours: 24

This workshop provides the knowledge and skills to develop Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 Web applications using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005. The workshop focuses on user interfaces, Web site structure and functionality, and implementation details.

August 2009

54. 4994A: Introduction to Programming Microsoft...

Instructor: Mohamed Attalah, Training Center: New Horizons, Hours: 40

This course enables introductory-level developers who are not familiar with the Microsoft .NET Framework or Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 to gain familiarity with the Visual Studio 2005 development environment. The course introduces the basic skills using Microsoft Visual C# as a programming language.

June 2006

55. International Computer Driving License

Instructor: Mohamed Abdelrazzak, Training Center: Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport

ICDL, or International Computer Driving License is a test of practical skills and competencies and consists of seven separate modules covering computer theory and practice. These project include: Concepts of information and Communication technology (ICT), Using the computer and managing files, Word processing, Spreadsheets, Using Databases, Presentation, Web Browsing and Communication.

January 2006

56. Art and Science of Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Instructor: Ahmed Amin, Training Center: INLPTA Alexandria, Hours: 40

NLP, or Neuro-Linguistic Programming, is the art and science of excellence, derived from studying how top people in different fields obtain their outstanding results. These communication skills can be learned by anyone to improve their effectiveness both personally and professionally. It is directly applicable to a diverse spectrum of fields such as communications, business, sales, education and therapy.

Academic Education

2012 - 2013

1. Faculty of Commerce, Ain Shams University

Department of Business Information Technology

Just started new academic studies in “Faculty of Commerce, Ain Shams University”, specifically “Computer and information technology program”.

2006 - 2008

2. Faculty of Arts, Alexandria University

Anthropology Education

All activities regarding course work, field research sessions in the area of Anthropology, Sociology, Philosophy at large. This ranges from specialized short courses to 2 years anthropological program. The department is supported by highly qualified professors that’s student friendly and extremely supportive, which maximized the educational attainment to the maximum.

2004 - 2006

3. Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University

Agriculture Scientific Education

All activities regarding course work, lab experiments, and hands-on anatomical sessions in the area of Biology, Anatomy, Zoology, Botany, Entomology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics at large. This ranges from specialized short courses to 2 years scientific program. The department is supported with a wide range of well equipped scientific labs and facilities to allow providing about 50% of study time to hands-on experience. Public relations and communication skills highly improved in this stage.

2001 - 2004

4. Lycée Liberty of Alexandria, English Department

High School

Three years of scientific education in English made my scientific knowledge just about ready to get in the scientific academic life. I’ve experienced wider public relations, and breaking through the internet world for the first time.

1991 - 2001

5. Agamy Model Schools

K.G. & Primary & Prep. School

Ten years of English education through Kindergarten, primary school and preparatory school made my English just about ready for the real world, which gave me an advantage of understanding all of the internet’s documents and papers and this led to me possessing the knowledge I have, of course I gained more than English while being educated in school but i think of these information as common knowledge.