June 4, 2019

سافر .. كمصري ممكن تسافر ٦٢ دولة بدون فيزا 🥳

#سافر كمصريين، احنا مش محتاجين فيزا (أو أونلاين فيزا) عشان نسافر لـ ٦٢ دولة، تعرف كدا؟! 😲 معندكش حجة .. وأغلب الدول دي السفر ليها والمعيشة فيها سهلة ورخيصة .. سافر استمتع واكسب خبرة .. السفر مش بس لأمريكا وأوروبا، عندك جزر سيشل، المالديف، مدغشقر، ماليزيا، جورجيا، وغيرهم كتير .. كلهم تقدر تسافر لهم بسهولة […]

January 1, 2019

Good day, good year! Write something everyday..

It's good to review, evaluate, and plan future resolutions after every step in your life, and what's a good opportunity to have this chance in every new year, you can see many people doing so these days as we approached the newly shiny beautiful year of 2019. But;

But don't you think it's very long time to wait for your self-awareness meeting, that has to determine whether or not you're doing good, and if you're walking down the right path or already diverged along the way?! Isn't it ridiculous to wait for one full year to know the answer?! Shouldn't that action be done routinely, periodically, on a monthly, weekly, and daily basis for all your big and small resolutions? I believe yes, So;

June 20, 2018

ترشيحاتى لأفضل ما قرأت فى ٢٠١٧

دى بعض الكتب التى أعجبتنى وأعطيتها تقييم مرتفع .. وأنصح غيرى بقرائتها لما فيها من فائدة ..   أكثرهم فائدة ومتعة وتأثيراً علىّ ثلاثية غرناطة / رضوى عاشور (أبكتنى) فى قلبى أنثى عبرية / خولة حمدى (أحببتها وتأثرت بها) You Can Choose to Be Rich / Robert T. Kiyosaki مشكلة الأفكار في العالم الإسلامي / […]

June 20, 2018

The Untitled Podcast – Season #1 – a bit of history

Recently, me Abdelrahman Omran and my friend Eslam Salem a security researcher and founder of Shieldfy (a cybersecurity firm) launched a new technical podcast, where we talk about various technical and entrepreneurial topics in our interests; topics like JavaScript, EcmaScript standard and versions, Progressive Web Apps (PWA), Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP), typical threats for web applications, […]

Build Actions for Your Community → October June 1st, 2018

As part of our ongoing event series “Build Actions for Your Community“, Google Cloud Developer Community Egypt is moving to a October city this time to conduct the training there, and as you know every event has it’s own challenges, and it’s own excitement flavor! This time we did it at Villa 307 co-working space, […]

March 7, 2018

G Suite – Not all clouds are created equal

When it comes to productivity, how do the leading cloud solutions stack up? In a series of speed and performance tests, Principled Technologies compared key components of G Suite and Microsoft Office 365. Here’s what they found..

February 18, 2018

علوم مقاصد الشريعة – الفقه، والعقيدة، والتزكية

#خريطة_ذهنية علوم مقاصد الشريعة، ثلاثة: ١- الفقه (لضبط جسد الانسان / الأفعال) .. هذا هو الإسلام — العبادات / النظام الإيمانى — المعاملات / النظام الإقتصادى — المناكحات والمواريث / النظام الإجتماعي — الأقضية والشهادات / النظام القضائى — الجنايات / النظام العقابى — الجهاد / النظام السياسي ٢- العقيدة (لضبط عقل الانسان / الأفكار) […]

October 26, 2017

Chrome Dev Summit’17 Live Tweeting

I've covered CDS'17 on twitter, with live tweeting for almost all sessions on time for those who are following online, highlighting the most significant changes & announcements on the conference, and supplying some screenshots & supporting images whenever applicable.

October 16, 2017

The Web Platform – State of the Union ’17

TL;DR – This is Web Updates slides you’re free to use in your talks, I’d appreciate giving credits though – https://goo.gl/vvWvVn As we’re evolving our Google Developers Roadshow MENA we needed to introduce a new session just for web updates, where people can get a glance of what’s new without going in much technical details, and then interested […]